01 Jun 2021

In Stage 3 we were making experiments that were an example of mixing forms of matter. A lot of the groups were successful in what they had planned to do. The Groups had a Week to prepare their experiments, then on Tuesday they tested them.
Some of the experiments are outlined below:
Eddy & Morgan~ Eddy and Morgan did an experiment that involved putting mentos into coke. They were successful in their experiment. When they put the mentos into the coke the coke quickly overfilled intensely.
Poppy, Zoe & Kiara ~ Poppy, Zoe & Kiara made a volcano. The liquids that they used were Vinegar, Bicarb soda, Food dye and dish washing detergent. When they put the bicarb Soda in the liquids slowly bubbled over the edge and ran down the volcano.
Max.B, Nate & Micael~ Max.B, Nate and Micael made ‘Snow’. They put Bi-carb Soda and Shaving cream in a bowl. The shaving cream absorbed the Bi-carb and made a sort of substance that felt like snow.
Lani, Ellie & Lola~ This group in particular did multiple experiments. The first one was putting mentos, life savers and pythons (lolly) in coke. The mentos in coke bubbled and fizzed a lot. The life savers did a little fizz and drizzled over and when they put the snakes they did nothing.
Max, Sam & Liam~ Max, Sam & Liam Did a mentos and coke experiment where they put mentos into a coke. When they put the mentos into the coke it exploded and the coke quickly drizzled over the top and ran down the side of the bottle. This experiment was very successful.
In the experiment stage 3 learnt about mixing gases, liquids and solids (different forms of matter), and that they can change to make something else when they are combined with another type of matter.
By Zoe Nassis and Kiara Nolan
Videos by Lola Wilson, Lola Hopcroft and Lani Baumhof