Bring Your Own Device
Cronulla South Public School has as an option a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program across Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 classes. Our vision is to encourage creative and innovative learning opportunities for students using BYOD as a tool to facilitate and maximise learning.
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) refers to students bringing a personal technology device to school to use for educational purposes under the direction of a teacher. For BYOD, ‘device’ refers to a privately owned wireless laptop. This will also ease transitions into high school, where students must bring laptops. Please Note: Cronulla South Public School has decided that mobile phones/smartphones/smartwatches that allow communication with others throughout the day and tablets will not be accepted, as stated in the NSW Department of Education's Digital Devices and Online Services for Students.
Students can connect compatible devices to a filtered DoE internet service, providing students with safe and secure internet access.
There are many reasons to go BYOD at Cronulla South Public School. These include:
Increased access to online resources.
Increased access to develop the skills to use technology efficiently and effectively.
More personalised and differentiated learning is available, eg. Using Google Classroom as a platform and various apps to produce quality work, adjusted to individual learners’ needs.
Allows students more control of their learning.
Develops student organisation skills and a sense of responsibility.
Creates future-focused learning environments that can increase student engagement.
Eases transition to high school where students must use laptops more frequently.
Equity is integral to the BYOD initiative at Cronulla South Public School. This is an opt-in program for students who can bring in a device. Bringing a device for BYOD is not compulsory, and devices will be available at school for students who cannot provide their own. However, students will not be allowed to take the school devices home; this is where the advantage of having your device comes in. BYOD also provides a level of responsibility to students and allows them to look after a device and manage things like charging. The school will be providing help to parents on how to ensure that devices are kept safe.
Cronulla South Public School - 2025 BYOD Intention - Permission and Agreement